Contamination & Their Remedy Plans

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The contaminated land is the major problem of today, It does not only affect the soil but also may cause or transmit disease in the plants due to high contents of acids. Some acids are soil absorbent ad thus may cause a severe hazard for the man health, if we want contaminated landassessment we have to pass through the following phases:

  • Desk study:The bio-Engineering should know the history and the background of the contaminated land so that it can treat the land accordingly.
  • Intrusive Investigation:In this phase of contaminated land assessment,the technician investigated that if any project is installed on this surface, then is it acceptable for the nearby residents or if it is a health hazard for them?
  • Remediation:In this phase of contaminated land assessment,the technician searched that if their intrusive investigation gives an unacceptable risk for residents then what should be the remedy of this risk.

Hazardous Chemical Awareness Training:

Besides the contaminated land assessment,hazardous chemical awareness training is also mandatory. There are many methods to aware of the danger. The fire alarm pull station, fire extinguisher, eyewash, and emergency shower are installed in the laboratories in different regions. The smelling of a chemical is also hazardous because when you inhaled it can enter your body and some of them are very toxic so that it can badly affect your health or put your life in danger.  In the field of Bioscience, Hazardous Chemical Awareness Training plays an important role in this regard.

Asbestos Contaminate the Land:

It is a natural silicate mineral. It tends to resist the heat and proves as an excellent insulator. It is a fire resistor, strong, sound-absorbing and one of the most important things it is very cheap. It means it can give a variety of qualities on are reasonable budget but in a survey, it was investigated that asbestos is a health hazard in many aspects. Here is a need for asbestosidentification. Asbestos is banned since 18s and the hazardous chemical awareness training includes that technicians checked the material either it has traces of asbestos or not. Asbestos identification is done by the specialist because it may be present in home vinyl tiles, panels, siding, and pipes. Blue, black and white asbestos is strongly prohibited in the remediation action plan.


The remediation action plan is proposed by authorities in their respective field. The contamination which we have faced that may be of land contamination or asbestos can be handled by sketching a remediation action plan. These plans facilitate waste removal and decontamination in a cost-effective range.  Decontamination consist of many methods depends on the intensity of the problem. For futher details plz visit here